So Long Gaming Forums

I can't take it anymore. I've been frequenting several videogame forums for the past 5 years or so and I just can't stomach the petty, juvenile, bickering that takes place anymore. I'm done. People who know only what bought-and-paid for gaming journalists tell them to believe espouse opinions as fact in such a derogatory manner that one can't help but scream at their computer monitor.

And what's weird about this is that this behavior seems unique to gamers. I never notice the level of immaturity and fanboyish behavior on forums catering to my other interests -- such as mountain biking, travel, or photography. Only gamers. Why people care so deeply about a consumer product is beyond me. The way these kids (and adults) act, you'd think they actually made the freaking games they're talking about. Who needs it? I sure don't.


Eric Floyd said...

You must not visit the other Forums enough...It's the same with Photography, Bikes and the Outdoors...


Eric Floyd said...

Alot of D*** Measuring...