The Last Person to Own an iPod Finally Gets One

Just the other day I was wrestling with the chore of making another mini-disc for my Sony NetMD player to take on a long mountain bike ride and complaining to Kristin that I really should just get the new matchbook-size iPod Shuffle. You know, the little one that clips onto your shirt and holds about 200 songs? It's only $70. It'd be perfect for my needs.

Little did I know someone else was thinking of getting me something much nicer. When UPS arrived today I figured that it had to be the gift I ordered for my dad's daughters, but it had the unmistakeable markings and their gift was coming from What could this be? Inside was a package wrapped in green and an envelope that insisted I unwrap the gift first so as to not ruin the surprise. So I followed the note's instructions and opened the box. My jaw nearly hit the floor. Inside was a Black 80GB iPod with full-color screen and movie playback.

I'm not going to risk putting anyone in an awkward position by saying who it was who sent me the box from Amazon today (you know who you are and will be receiving a heartfelt thank you phone call in the morning) but I can assure you this was a tremendous surprise. I immediately ran up to my office, downloaded iTunes, installed the new software for the iPod, and quickly downloaded the last episode of The Office which I missed while out mountain biking (no, I don't own a Tivo). I also downloaded a number of mountain biking and surfing-related "vodcasts" and plan on spending much of the night importing my music collection.

I'm simply in awe right now. What a great gift! And what a great time to get it. Kristin tells me my gifter was also considering a gift certificate to REI or one to a restaurant, but I have to say you made a great choice. This will be accompanying me on many lengthy mountain bike rides for quite some time. Not to mention my upcoming flight to NJ.

Come to think of it, now I finally have a us for that "MP3 in" feature on my Element's stereo. Awesome!

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