Author Blog

Doing something a little different today. My editors at BradyGames have invited me to make an occasional post about recent books that I've written and my current projects. You can follow these posts here on RG or by becoming a fan of BradyGames on Facebook. Feel free to leave any questions or comments here or on Facebook, but do try to keep it civil. Thanks.

Hello everyone, I’m Doug Walsh, a strategy guide author for BradyGames. I’ve been writing for BradyGames for almost 9 years now and have had the good fortune of authoring guidebooks for many of the best games to come out in recent years.

My editors have been keeping me busy this year with writing duties for Blue Dragon Plus, MadWorld, and X-Men Origins: Wolverine – not a bad way to start the year. And let me just say that if you haven’t played MadWorld, then you’re really missing out. MadWorld truly is one of the most artistic, entertaining, and hilariously violent games I’ve ever played. And I’m not just saying that because the good folks at Sega and Platinum Games stuffed me full of sushi and shochu while visiting Platinum’s offices in Osaka.

Speaking of which, you can see photos from my trip to Japan right here.

Our book for X-Men Origins: Wolverine will be on shelves later this month and though I’m a bit biased, any fan of the X-Men or comic books in general needs to check this game out. I really enjoyed the game’s light RPG elements and unleashing my inner Berserker has never been more fun. The Uncaged Edition (PS3 and Xbox 360 versions) is definitely not a game for the kiddies – Wolverine’s claws are razor-sharp for a reason – but it’s certainly one of the best comic book games I’ve played and is sure to be a great compliment to the movie releasing in May. Just be warned that if you want to find every Mutagen and collectible, then you had better pick up our book. Some of them are very, very well-hidden.

Lastly, and speaking of games based on comic book characters, I’m currently writing the strategy guide for Batman: Arkham Asylum (is this shaping up to be a great year for me, or what?). Naturally, I can’t reveal any details just yet, but having experienced nearly everything the game has to offer, I won’t hesitate to give it my highest recommendation. The blend of exploration, stealth, and combat is done exceptionally well and the developers at Rocksteady have done a phenomenal job capturing the Batman universe. I can’t get enough of the various Batgadgets and the writing, art style, and presentation of the game is very impressive. I hadn’t even heard of the game a month ago, but now it’s one of my favorite games of the year. And I expect it will be one of yours too.

1 comment:

Eric Floyd said...

CanT wait for Batman to come out..Looks Great!!!