Rockstar Presents Table Tennis

I haven't picked up an Xbox 360 yet, but when I do (soon) you can bet that Rockstar Presents Table Tennis will be the first game I buy for the system. And no, I never thought I'd utter those words in my entire life. Not only have I yet to buy a game by Rockstar that I didn't immediately regret purchasing, but ping-pong? Am I kidding you? No, I'm not.

I played the game each day while at E3 and though I never played through the Training Mode and have since learned that there is no Career Mode, I had a ton of fun picking it up and playing it against the nameless attendees beside me at the show. And I expect to do the same at home, online, against nameless gamers around the world.

Rather than try and tell you why the game is great, just go ahead and read this review at and then look closely at the following screenshots. And then imagine just picking up and playing such a beautifully-made, highly-addictive, simple-yet-challenging, fan-hyphen-tastic game like ping-pong.

*All screenshots linked from

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