Reporting In From Fruita, Colorado

Found a coffee shop with free Internet near Colorado River State Park, where we camped last night and wanted to post an update. Heading out to begin my three-day journey across the Kokopelli's Trail today, with dark ominous clouds lying to the west -- our direction of travel. It rained hard through the night and it has been unseasonaly cold so far -- could you believe I found myself wishing for my hat and mittens last night?

Slickrock was awesome -- XXX Bike Porn photos coming soon -- and Arches was equally impressive. I'm a bit nervous about the Adobe soil turning to gloop with the frequent rains, rendering long sections of the Kokopelli unridable. We'll have to see.

Either way, I'll write again early next week once we're back in Moab and checked into a hotel -- a strange luxury at this point.

Fingers crossed for warm, dry conditions.

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