Time For Some Updates

It's been almost a week since I've posted and I have a lot to write about, but I've been so uncharacteristically lazy lately that I haven't gotten to it. I say "uncharacteristically lazy" not because I'm not a lazy person, but because I was actually lazier than normal this week. Anyway, I have a bunch of posts coming today. Let me go make some coffee and finish a couple up, and they'll be here shortly. Check back in a little while.

And, Jess, thanks for wondering where the blog updates were. Glad you're still reading...


Anonymous said...

How about processing your pics too...:)

Jessica A. Walsh said...

Yesterday - Zero
Today - Looked like at least 5 as I scrolled down. I'm looking forward to reading. So glad you posted. Now I can look forward to eating lunch at my desk again.

Doug Walsh said...

Sorry, Eric, I actually did process those pics and even got them off my laptop.

Now I just have to find the disc I burned them to. I'll get them today. Hopefully.

By the way, 8 to 14" at Alpental today, and another 6 to 12" tonight. Who-hoo!