TR Training: Base Prep Week #7

Total Saddle Time: 10 hours, 32 minutes
Total Mileage: 143.7 miles
Total Elevation Gain: 3250 feet
Weight Loss: -1.0 pound

Things got a bit back to normal this week now that the holidays and the power failure are (hopefully) over. The weather still really limits what can be done outdoors, both in terms of just being really nasty to ride in and also because of the condition of the trails. Many of the better places to ride are still heavily damaged from the windstorms, both from last month and, well, just about every other day. One of the things I've been working on in the face of this is a bit of attitude conditioning. I have a habit of going to sleep bent on riding a particular route in the morning and, in the past, if the weather or work or something got in the way of those plans I would metaphorically throw my arms up in disgust and not ride at all -- if it's not going to go as planned, it's not going at all! Harumph! Not lately though. I'm really becoming more flexible and rolling with the punches. This time of year, I could very easily find a reason not to ride every day if I wanted. Instead, I just have to adapt and realize that anything is better than nothing.

Exactly 50% of the time I spent on a bike this week was in my garage, on the trainer. I did get out on the mountain bike on Wednesday and again on Saturday, but most of my riding this week was indoors. Fortunately, I received some new training videos for Christmas (which I'll be posting about separately) and have also downloaded a bunch of the "Coffee Break Spanish" podcasts and am finding it enjoyable to do my "easy spin" rides while trying to learn spanish. Would help for that next surf trip to Costa Rica.

This coming week is supposed to be a Recovery Week, but I missed so much in weeks 5 and 6, but still calls for 11.9 hours of training. For comparison, my training plan called for 19.9 hours of riding for week #7. Although you can see that my total saddle time is nowhere near that mark, every time I get on the trainer for an hour or 90-minutes, it's equivalent to riding outside for 2 to 3 hours. Once the weather warms up and the rain and wind and snow die down, these times will increase for sure. But I'm not going to beat myself up about it now, as I rode more this past week than I did all of January and February last year.

Lastly, I spoke with Ken last night and we're aiming for a big ride on January 20th. Going to combine a couple rides into one lengthy 80 miler. Just a nice, long, mountain bike ride. Hopefully the weather lets it happen.

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